Thursday, August 13, 2015

St Anne's Promenade and Blackpool

The four of us went out for breakfast and then took a long walk on St Anne's Promenade and Pier. Very Victorian. After a quick lunch it was off to Blackpool one last time. Jerry says it is a combination ofLVegas, Coney Island and Atlantic City. That pretty much sums it up. He owes me.

We will have to pack tomorrow for the journey to Greece on Saturday. That will be interesting since they are rioting and having all sorts of trouble there. That is why we are not staying in Athens.

My manners have improved magnificently since our arrival in England. Let us see how long that lasts. I had to buy another suitcase because I bought three pair of shoes, two pair of leggings and three camisoles. It is all Carol's fault. She keeps finding bargains for me. We are doing miles of walking here. Everyone does. It is definitely a walking town. That would be to counteract all the meals Carol is cooking. Tonight we had dinner at nine, just like in a Noel Coward movie. I was in my pajamas already but so was my hostess so I didn't scre up after all.

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