Tuesday, May 6, 2014

On the way to San Juan

Our first day at sea was spent relaxing, walking the decks, getting to know the ship and mostly resting. Jerry wears a pedometer so we can keep track of our walking. It is a big ship and we have a healthy hike getting to and from our stateroom. I guess he thinks if he wears the thing he will walk more. Meanwhile, I couldn't even get him to do the Mambo tonight.

The passengers are mostly Brits, Canadians and other Commonwealth types. We are definitely in the minority. Lots of older people. There have been four medical calls this day alone. I guess it will be a hospital by the time we get to Southampton. We don't look so bad after all.

The food is pretty good and so far the entertainment has been great. We saw The Unexpected Boys tonight and they were great. We saw them at Cascade Lakes a while ago but with some different cast members. They were terrific.

Lots of pretty big people on this ship. Lucky the ship is so big or it would sink from just the mere weight of the passengers. They have huge plates piled high with snacks right before they go to the dining room. Just watching them makes us be very careful about what we are eating. I am proud of us so far.

We are sailing into the tropics and I am loving it. We arrive in San Juan, Puerto Rico tomorrow and sailing past El Morro castle is a beautiful sight and brings back lovely memories for me.

Update:  one of the propellers broke down. We will be one hour late arriving in San Juan. They are flying engineers in from Miami because they can't allow the ship to cross with only two working propellers. Interesting........

Random observations:  the staff is excellent,  the service is superb, the pool temperature is 84 degrees, the ship is immaculate, there are many single and gay passengers. The gay men are the best dancers. The British passengers are the most friendly. Jerry can't understand the other passengers...even the Americans, who are mostly all from the Deep South.  I took three cat naps yesterday. I am in total relaxation mode and plan to stay that way for the rest of the crossing. That is, if they fix the ship.

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