Wednesday, April 25, 2012

At Sea Day Two

We woke up very early to heavy fog. Can't see a thing. Hope there are no icebergs. We had a great dinner last night. I am in love with Alex, our waiter. He is from Ukraine and he is about twelve. His service is fantastic and he is just adorable. He has a great personality and can handle Jerry with humor and respect, not an easy task. Of course, he treats me like the Imperial Empress, Catherine the Great.

We are still on East Coast time so we went to bed early. That's why I am up at the crack of dawn writing this blog. Today our schedule is as follows: cappuccino, breakfast, more cappuccino, Cruise Critic party at 11, lunch, Jerry' ukulele lessons, Phyllis' hula lessons, nap, cocktail hour, dinner, show, 50's party.

Jerry just came back to the cabin and said he wa warmer in Alaska. Guess I won't go to the pool yet.

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