Monday, September 14, 2009

Greetings From Copenhagen

After 24 hours of travel and one change of plane in Paris we have arrived in Copenhagen where the weather is magnificent and everyone is blonde. I feel right at home here. There were two incidents on the flight over: 1- the person in the seat in front of Jerry pushed her seat back as far as it could go and smashed into Jerrys legs. He asked her to raise it a little and the bitch refused so he dumped a glass of water on her head. 2-someone had a heart attack on the flight but we don't know what happened to her because we couldn't get out of our seats because were so crammed in. Does the word sardine conjure up anything? We also broke one suitcase-actually the airline broke it, and my backback fell apat.

We arrived here and found our way to the Metro, which we took downtown, and here we to the Tivoli Gardens.

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